Focus Physical Therapy

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Scoliosis In Adults: Chronic Pain

We end up seeing a fair amount of chronic pain in scoliosis patients that were diagnosed either as a teenager or later in life. Sometimes patients who didn’t know they had scoliosis until they were in their 20s or 30s and they’ve developed back pain from their scoliosis.

With the curvature, you end up getting compression on one side. This then lengthens on the other side and it increases your chances of having back issues. So how do you treat this? How do you make yourself feel better?

If you have scoliosis with chronic pain issues, it’s a matter of finding the right routine. Typically, you’ll want to keep your joints and your muscles moving so that you’re able to keep your pain levels down. Manual therapy, trigger point, dry needling and cupping are all great ways to keep your body functioning and moving correctly within your curve as well.

You’re trying to keep your curve mobile and your muscles working so that you’re not allowing those muscles to make that curve even worse and push down on your side. This creates more stenosis or disc issues with nerves. Then we’re doing some postural exercises to help strengthen your lengthened muscles and stretch out your shortened muscles.

On a curvature you have the concave side and you have the convex side. On the convex side you have lengthened muscle and on the concave side you have shortened. We want to try to stretch those shortened ones and strengthen those lengthened ones to help hold your body and your spine up more.